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Send Us Your Arts Objects and Take Part in Collaborative California PSA Approximately once a year the California Arts Council uses in-house talent and sweat to create a public-value driven public-service announcement (PSA) on the arts. This year we're proposing a collaborative project, and we need your help. American Masterpieces-California: Upcoming Performances The California Arts Council takes great pleasure in offering the second set of tours for American Masterpieces-California, a statewide initiative for the citizens of California. This particular part of the American Masterpieces-California initiative is titled "Musica Festiva de las Misiones (Festive Music of the Missions), music from the California's Hispano-Mexican Era." Click "more" to see the scheduled dates for performances this spring. Panel Review of Artists in Schools program April 14-16 The California Arts Council's Artists in Schools program -- the largest program from the agency -- provides support for professional artists as community arts resources, complementing ongoing arts education in California schools. This is the first of two Artists in Schools 2008-09 panels, adjudicating applicants and their applications in the following disciplines: music, literature, and multi-disciplinary fields. Click "more" to see information. On The Arts: Three Grammar Mistakes, Two Big Words, and One Big Lesson The Dana Foundation recently announced the publishing of a major report on the effects of arts training on brain function. While the report findings were announced on March 4, 2008 (attendees at the California Arts Council statewide conference were some of the first to see it), Dana Foundation Chair William Safire informed audiences of the study in 2006. Take a look at the California Arts Council wrap-up of Safire's speech from 2006 to learn more about this important study. Arts in the Media
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Take a look at the vast number of arts-related competitions available for Californians
Artist Call
Take a look at the vast number of arts-related competitions available for Californians
Arts Inform
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