Grant Application Instructions

Application Instructions
DEADLINE: November 15, 2019 by 11:59 PM

New applicants to this program are highly encouraged to contact the designated staff to confirm eligibility before starting an application.

All grant applications must be submitted in the California Arts Council online grants management system, calartscouncil.smartsimple.com.

Registration and Certification

An authorized representative of the Applicant Organization must be registered, and organizational information must be certified, in advance. The following information and documentation should be prepared prior to beginning this process:

  • Applicant Organization Federal EIN (or that of Fiscal Sponsor, if applicable)
  • Applicant Organization DUNS Number (or that of Fiscal Sponsor, if applicable), obtainable from the Dun and Bradstreet Request Service website (requested, but not mandatory at the time of certification)
  • Applicant Organization contact information, including business address, mailing address (if different), county name, phone and fax number (if available), and website
  • Number of years Applicant Organization has engaged in arts programming
  • Year Applicant Organization began arts programs and/or services
  • Organizational mission statement and purpose
  • Brief summary of Applicant Organization’s core programs and services
  • Please refer to CAC Registration Information for additional guidance.

    Application Checklist

    Required Support Materials:

  • Work Sample Materials: Provide up to three different samples of materials generated within the past two years that best portray your organization, its arts programming and/or arts services. These may include marketing collateral such as flyers, brochures, and newsletters, as well as programs, reviews, etc.
  • Letter of Support or Testimonial: Provide a signed statement from a key stakeholder, partner, or community member. Statement should substantiate the quality of the organization and affirm the organization's impact on its constituents. This should not be from staff or board of the applicant organization.
  • Support Materials Notes: Provide brief descriptions of artistic work samples and other support materials. For video or audio samples, provide specific start and end times for the portion you would like the panel to review. Be sure to clearly indicate which specific files your notes are referencing.
  • Payee Data Record (STD 204) – a fillable PDF is available to download, complete, and upload within the application.
  • Required Support Materials for Fiscally Sponsored Applicant Organizations:

  • Legal name of Fiscal Sponsor Organization
  • Fiscal Sponsor Organization Federal EIN
  • Fiscal Sponsor Organization DUNS Number
  • Fiscal Sponsor Organization executive leader’s name, phone number, and email
  • Fiscal Sponsor Organization mailing address
  • Number of years the Fiscal Sponsor Organization has been engaged in arts programming and/or services
  • A brief description of the history of the Fiscal Sponsor Organization’s arts programming and/or services
  • An IRS 990, 990-EZ or 990-PF form for the Fiscal Sponsor Organization; no other types of 990 forms will be accepted
  • A Letter of Agreement between the Applicant Organization and the Fiscal Sponsor Organization confirming their understanding of and compliance with the CAC Fiscal Sponsor Policy
  • Payee Data Record (STD 204) – fillable PDF available to download, complete, and upload within the application
  • Please refer to the CAC Fiscal Sponsor Policy for additional information.

    Application Questions

    The following questions will be asked on the application:

    Narrative Questions:

  • Cultural Pathways funding is intended to serve organizations that are deeply rooted in and reflective of communities of color, recent immigrant and refugee communities, and tribal or indigenous groups. Please describe the community that your organization is rooted in, being sure to include the following: (2000 characters)
    • Specify community being served
    • How your organization's mission, activities, programs and/or services, staff, and board (or other advisory or governing body) are deeply rooted in and reflective of this specific population
    • Depth of existing community support, participation and involvement
  • Provide a timeline for key high-level organizational arts programming and/or services that will occur within the Grant Activity Period. (1500 characters)
  • Describe how your organization nurtures authentic and creative voices from within your community. Be sure to highlight your most significant existing, ongoing, and planned arts activities, programs and/or services. (2000 characters)
  • How will Cultural Pathways funding support your organization? How will you communicate programs and services to your constituents? What is your desired impact and benefits of these programs and services? How will you document and measure the impact and benefits? (2500 characters)
  • Identify administrative, artistic, and/or governance personnel who will participate in Technical Assistance (TA) and Professional Development (PD) and peer-to-peer activities related to the program (minimum 40 hours per year). (1000 characters)
  • Please identify which areas of Professional Development would most benefit your organization. Select all that apply.
    • Strategic planning and implementation
    • Leadership and board development
    • Nonprofit financial management
    • Fund development strategies
    • Marketing and outreach
    • Data and systems management
    • Arts presenting
    • Communicating the value of your work
    • Program evaluation
    • Developing and maintaining partnership
  • Please use the space below to share the areas of greatest need for your organization. Your description may include but need not be limited to the Professional Development areas identified above. (1000 characters)
  • Quantitative Questions:

  • Number of free events
  • Number of nonprofit organizational partners
  • Number of for-profit business partners
  • Number of governmental agency partners
  • Number of hours broadcast on radio, television, cable, web or other digital networks
  • Number of concerts/performances/readings
  • Number of lectures/demonstrations/workshops/symposiums
  • Number of classes or sessions
  • Number of exhibitions curated/presented
  • Number of other events (specify “other”)
  • Number of artists’ residencies
  • Number of artists directly involved
  • Key Personnel Bios:

  • Provide a brief biography for each key individual (artistic, technical, or administrative) involved in your organization. Include name, title, whether to be supported by CAC funds, relevant experience, and role.
  • Accessibility:

  • Describe your organization’s approach to ensuring the physical accessibility of programs and services, as well as the accessibility of print and online materials. Consider organizational personnel and any partnering organizations, as well as beneficiaries of arts programming and services, and potential audience members in your response. (1500 characters)
  • Accessibility Contact Details: Identify the primary individual who will be responsible for managing aspects of accessibility as it relates to this proposal. This may be a program manager, accessibility coordinator, or other staff member of the Applicant Organization.
  • Budget Tables

    A Budget Snapshot is required, providing basic financial information (revenue and expenses) for a minimum of two and up to three years. Budget Notes must be provided for any noticeable increases or decreases (surplus or deficits) in line items from one year to the next.

    You will also be required to fill out the General Operating Budget table. Projected figures for the two-year term of the Grant Activity Period must be provided, as well as the full two-year CAC Request Amount in the Expenses section. Please refer to What the CAC Does Not Fund within the program Guidelines to ensure that all line items are eligible expenses.

    Application Assessment

    Panelists may consider any aspect of an application when ranking for each review criteria, including but not limited to the Areas of Assessment indicated below.

    Review Criteria #1: Management and Leadership
    Areas of Assessment:

  • Narrative and quantitative questions
  • Key personnel bio(s)
  • Organizational history and mission
  • Budget Snapshot
  • Overall completeness and accuracy of application submission
  • Review Criteria #2: Equity and Impact
    Areas of Assessment:

  • Narrative and quantitative questions
  • Work Sample Materials
  • Letter of support or testimonial
  • Review Criteria #3: Communication and Documentation
    Areas of Assessment:

  • Narrative and quantitative questions
  • Work Sample Materials.
  • Review Criteria #4: Access
    Areas of Assessment:

  • Narrative and quantitative questions

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