Arts supporters gathered on January 27, 2016 in Sacramento for a special event hosted by former Council member Annette Bening. MORE >>
celebrating 40 years: 1976-2016
Our state arts agency, the California Arts Council, was established by Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. and came into being on January 1, 1976.
Governor Brown created the California Arts Council on the basis that the arts are central to the lives of Californians.
In 2016, California’s state arts agency celebrated its 40th anniversary. During its four decades of existence, the California Arts Council has awarded thousands of grants— a total investment of $368 million. California is home to more artists than any other state, and the creative industries account for 1 in 10 jobs statewide.
But citing mere numbers does not give a sense of how this investment “paid off” in the streets and farms, the classrooms and the senior centers, the cell blocks and shelters and symphony halls of California, where dollar amounts large and small have transformed blight into beauty, stagnation into change, and hopelessness into inspiration.
The California Arts Council’s grantees and partners—past and present—carry with them countless stories of community transformation, social prosperity, cultural exchange, individual discovery, and educational growth.
Throughout 2016, we celebrated the many contributions of the arts to the success of our state,
honoring the California Arts Council’s rich history and celebrating a bright future for the arts in California.
40th Anniversary Celebration Event
Video Series:
MY Creative CaWe traveled across California to film some of the inspiring people making an impact in their communities through art and creative expression. MORE >>
40 years, 40 storiesTo celebrate our 40th Anniversary, we asked forty of our amazing grantees, past and present, to tell the story of their work and their relationship with the California Arts Council. MORE >>
State LegisLative resolution
Assembly Member Ian Calderon, Senator Ben Allen, and Senator Jim Nielsen have introduced a measure that would declare the importance of the arts to the state and the essential role of the Arts Council in promoting the arts throughout the state, and would congratulate the Arts Council on 40 years of service. MORE >>
The Boeing Company is the presenting sponsor of our 40th anniversary special event. Additional supporters include: Annenberg Foundation, Art in River Park/Brenda Waters, Bernard and Shirley Kinsey Foundation for the Arts & Education, Capital Public Radio, Earth Friendly Products, Empress Tavern, Jenkins Family Foundation, Kodak, Peg Yorkin, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Southern California Edison, and Topps Digital Services.