Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Submission collection for this year’s panels will take place on November 16, 2020 and January 7, 2021.
The California Arts Council seeks arts and cultural practitioners from disparate communities statewide to volunteer for our upcoming grant review panels. Panelists play a critical role in the grant application process as field representatives. They work both independently and virtually alongside staff Programs Specialists and other panelists to evaluate grant applications, ensuring an equitable, honest, and thorough review and ranking process.
The panel experience provides great insight into the grant-making process, offering professional development and networking opportunities for arts practitioners working across creative sectors. Community members with careers in social justice, focusing on youth and adult programs that provide links between social service and the court systems, are also welcome to apply. In addition to experienced arts practitioners, this is a great opportunity for new and emerging members of the arts & culture community.
Invited panelists receive a $100 per day honorarium to subsidize them for their 3-day panel participation. Panelists make a three- to four-week commitment to read up to 60 applications prior to the grant review panel meeting.