California Arts Council

State of California

WEBSITE MAINTENANCE NOTICE: On Monday, Nov. 2, the California Arts Council is transitioning to a new web design. During the changeover, may be temporarily unavailable. We appreciate your patience as we work to launch our new site.


The California Arts Council, a state agency, is funded through four primary sources:

1. California State General Fund
2. The National Endowment for the Arts
3. Proceeds from sales and renewals of California's Arts Plate
4. Donations from the "Keep Arts in Schools" Voluntary Contribution Fund

    Your contribution to the California Arts Council is tax-deductible.

    California Arts License Plate: You can support arts education programs in California by purchasing an Arts Plate, designed by renowned California artist Wayne Thiebaud. The Arts Plate generates about $3 million per year for arts programs benefiting children and communities throughout the state. Your arts plate will help create a state of innovation, and ensure that California continues to be a world leader in creative and innovative industries for generations to come.

    Keep Arts in Schools Fund: The "Keep Arts in Schools Fund" can be found in the Voluntary Contribution Section 110 (425) of the "540" individual state tax return forms. The fund allows you to make a tax-deductible contribution in amounts of $1 or more. 100% of your Keep Arts in Schools Fund contribution will be applied to arts education programs. No portion of this fund is used for administrative costs.